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Hit Ball first match preparation, take 2

Where: Seacliff primary

When: Saturday the 13th April @ 10.15am


HIT BALL, where Volley ball meets Parkour, where Soft ball meets Martial arts!!
Get the opportunity to be part of the history. HIT BALL is fun, it's fast, it's cool, it's safe.
We got a space at Seacliff Primary, down at Seacliff (who would have guessed?), where we can have few get togethers and play.
The idea would be to have as many people as possible to start spreading the knowledge about the existence of this sport and getting some fun doing it. So bring a friend, he'll thank you for the opportunity!
Who is invited: males, females, Teenagers, Uni students, Primary and HS Teachers (hit ball is highly educational) adults of all ages (as far as you are fit enough to be able to play a sport safely), that are interested in playing sports involving Hitting a soft ball without having physical contact with the players of the opposing team.
It's going to be an introductory session with all the rules & info being explained on the day.
It will be played indoor with 5 vs 5 players.

Cost: free (unless it's against your beliefs).

Age: 14+
What to wear: shorts, t-shirt, sneakers...

Wearing knee pads is advisable, but not compulsory.

How to participate: if you are on Facebook , you can let us know by clicking "ATTENDING" on the page event and liking Hit Ball Australia, or you can send us an email:
info at

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